We don't provide a catalog of company airlines logos. If you are using Flights Live Prices, each response will contain the logos for the airlines present in the results.
Articles in this section
- Can I use your Flights API for making bookings directly?
- Can I cache and/or reuse the session?
- Do you offer stop-overs or multi-city search through the Flights API?
- Can I use Skyscanner's Flights API without providing booking deeplinks in my solution?
- How does the rate limiting work? Are we restricted to 100 Create Sessions per minute or 100 Session Polls per minute?
- Can I search for one specific flight?
- Does Skyscanner return cached results in the Live Pricing service?
- I see a checkbox on the Skyscanner website which says "Add nearby airports". Is this available on the Flights API?
- Why do I not see an OTA in a different market?
- Why do I not see the same prices/itineraries on the Flights API as I see on Skyscanner?
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