The Search API Health board in Partner Portal evaluates your integration health and performance on Skyscanner.
A healthy and stable integration ensures that travellers can find your best results on Skyscanner. The Search API Health board helps you:
- View the total API calls for up to 30 days
- Track and analyse API performance and metrics
- Identify metrics that can be optimized to increase your visibility
What We Measure
To evaluate your integration health, we measure the following:
Total API Calls
The number of times we queried your API for a relevant search request.
Error Responses
The number of times an API request fails due to a client error or server error. Errors may be a result of bad requests, too many requests, or other internal issues. It is important that you provide the appropriate error codes and responses to minimize unknown errors.
Error Response Level
The error level ranges from Acceptable to Critical, and is based on whether the error rate is less than or greater than the successful response. If the error rate is greater than the successful response rate, the response level is considered critical.
Empty Responses
The number of times an API request was successfully fulfilled but failed to retrieve a quote. This metric may indicate outdated search configurations or outdated route information. It is important that we are aware of any changes to your API and routes information that may result in an empty response.
Empty Response Level
The empty response level ranges from Acceptable to Critical, and is based on whether the empty response rate is less than or greater than the successful response. If the empty response rate is greater than the successful response rate, the response level is considered critical.
Successful Response
The number of times an API request was successfully fulfilled and retrieved a quote result.
The total amount of time taken by the API request and response.
How it Works
The API Performance tab provides a snapshot of your overall API performance. You can filter the data provided by time range, markets, passengers, cabin classes, journey types, or search types for in-depth performance insights.
This information can be exported into a CSV or Excel file, and analysed with other data sources that you may use.
Common API Health Issues
Common Errors
Below are some common API errors that may impact your Search API health and performance.
Error Category |
Error Definition |
Network_Error |
A network error indicates a request cannot be completed due to a connection exception, connection timeout, socket timeout or SSL certificate. |
An engine error indicates the engine progress cannot be completed due to unknown engine error such as unexpected null point exception, engine quote invalid, search request was suppressed by engine, or engine process timeout. All errors that occur during engine processing are considered engine errors. |
A partner error indicates a request cannot be completed due to unauthorised requests, request parameter(s) that could not be processed, rate limitations, or unavailable search results. |
A HTTP error indicates a request cannot be completed due to a non-2XX response. |
A invalid response error indicates the response may contain syntax errors such as missing or extra commas, missing brackets. |
Unclassified_Error |
An unclassified errors indicates a request cannot be completed, but the error has not been mapped or classified in our system. |
A framework error indicates a request cannot be completed due to an error initialising the HTTP client. |
A client error indicates a request cannot be completed due to invalid request parameters. |
Connection Timeouts
A connection timeout occurs after the request API has exceeded 30 seconds. To provide the best traveller experience, we ask that your API return quote results within 30 seconds or less, ideally 10 seconds or less.
Outdated Route Information
Outdated routes, whether the route configuration is automated or manual, often result in errors and empty results. It’s important that you’re route information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid impact to your API health and visibility.