Skyscanner actively monitors the variance in price between your landing page and our booking panel results, to determine your Price Accuracy. As Price Accuracy is fundamental to maintaining customer trust and driving conversion rates, Skyscanner actively monitors it to give you a view on how you are performing.
We express Price Accuracy as a percentage where the price returned from your API and price travellers see upon landing on your site are different. You can easily view this on a per market or global basis and use filters to identify the best and worst performing markets.
Monitoring your price accuracy will enable you to act when you see your percentage dropping. This is particularly important as price accuracy issues can also reduce your Customer Feedback scores, increase the amount of your content that is filtered out due to accuracy issues, and impact your look to book ratio.
A healthy rate is below 5%. As shown in the example above,
Anything above 5% will be highlighted as 'Critical Level' on the dashboard.
Price data can be broken down by markets, routes, carriers, booking horizons and passenger groups.
Partners can filter the results according to their own needs, such as by market or carrier, to help diagnose where a price issue is most prevalent.
Partners who have installed Downstream Visibility (that have been verified by Skyscanner) can now view their filtered quotes in Partner portal under Filtered Quotes below. This section shows the inaccurate quotes hidden trends, and the top quotes suppressed by a route.
Automated Quote Suppression:
Using downstream visivibility date, Skyscanner currently automatically suppresses inaccurate ininerary quotes and generates a suppression rule for the specific itinerary. This suppression is only activated if a user searches for the same itinerary in within a short period of time. This automation allows prices to refresh without our users experiencing the inaccuracies. Automated quote suppression is only active for OTAs, and information about filtered quotes is available in the price accuracy dashboard, allowing partners to see and proactively improve price accuracy issues.
Partners can download a file with sample results of recent inaccuracies and filtered quote form the price accuracy section of the Partner Portal. This information provides specific cases of price problems experienced by Skyscanner users.
The Price Accuracy dashboard can be found here in the Partner Portal. If you have any questions a support request can be raised directly from the Partner Portal through the "?" icon on the right-hand side of the Menu bar.