Advertising Performance Dashboard
Advertising Performance Dashboard
The Advertising Performance Dashboard enables external (i.e. Advertising Partners) and internal users (Commercial Managers and Advertising Delivery Managers) to access advertising campaign performance data and insights.
The benefits of the Dashboard are:
- You can spend less time extracting and monitoring campaign performance data.
- You'll be able to spend more time analysing and taking timely actionable insights to improve the campaign's performance.
- You will have access to insights that will trigger instant action to deploy the best advertising strategies.
- You can access both a performance analytics dashboard and a brand analytics dashboard, depending on the objective of a campaign.
When you first open the Dashboard, you should see the screen below. To begin using the Dashboard, enter the organisation name or the contact name.
You can select different statuses. This option defaults to Any, but other options are available. The options are:
- Any - All campaigns are selected.
- Delivering - Any active campaign is selected here.
- Paused - Any campaign that has been paused is selected here.
- Finished - Any completed campaign can be selected here.
Once the status is selected, the Dashboard auto-renders the charts.
You can also select different dashboard versions. This option defaults to Performance Analytics, but other options are available. The options are:
- Performance Analytics - Dashboard focused on campaigns with a performance objective.
- Brand Analytics - Dashboard focused on campaigns with a brand reach objective.
If you switch dashboard versions, the charts will automatically update to match your selection.
Performance Analytics Dashboard
There are various filters you can use to improve your data parameters. The Filters are placed in the left-hand column. Beside the title of each filter is a tooltip to help you understand what each filter represents.
Time Filter
Perhaps the most important filter is the Time Range filter at the top of the Filters section.
This filter allows you to select a specific period to view data within that range. The default No filter shows the campaign performance for the lifetime of a campaign or a selection of campaigns.
Alternatively, in the drop-down field, you can select the following options:
- Last - You can view the last day, week, month, quarter or year.
- Previous - You can view the previous week, month or year.
- Customer - You can choose a specific date range.
- Advanced - You can select a particular time on a specific date as part of your range.
You can also set the appropriate radial button for the last day, week, month, quarter or year.
FiltersFor the remaining filters, here is a brief description of each: CampaignUse this filter for analysing the performance and metrics of specific advertising campaigns. If your organisation has run multiple campaigns, it might not be easy to find the specific campaign you are looking for, and you might be better off using other filters to narrow your search. You can select single or multiple campaigns to analyse using this filter. Line ItemsYou can use this filter to review individual or multiple line items within a campaign to track their effectiveness. For example, you might only want to look at EMEA traffic or perhaps only short-haul travel. ProductThis filter is useful when you want to analyse the performance of a specific campaign product. You can select single or multiple products to explore using this filter. DeviceFiltering by Device (such as mobile or desktop) allows you to understand the performance across different platforms. Note - this filter is not available on the performance trend tab. MarketThe Market filter lets you select the market where the ad campaign was active. This allows you to analyse performance in different locations. In addition, you can choose single or multiple markets using this filter. Note - this filter is not available on the performance trend tab. Origin IATA & Destination IATABoth of these filters enable you to select the airports by IATA code. Note - this filter is not available on the performance trend tab. Tracking DimensionTrack the performance of individual tracking ID dimensions, defined by a unique mix of market, locale, origin, destination, cabin class, and itinerary type. For instance, 'uk/en-gb/*/*/*/*' refers to the UK market in English locale, applicable to any route, class or trip type. Note - this filter is not available on the performance trend tab. RouteTrack the performance of one (or many) routes. Note - this filter is not available on the performance trend tab.
After selecting your filters, click Apply Filters at the bottom of the screen. |
Performance Trend
The Performance Trend dashboard gives a simple view of your campaign's success. In the top right-hand corner of each data set, you will see a number and a three-dot ellipses menu.
The number will refer to the number of filters you have applied to your analyses. You won't be able to amend the filters here, but you can easily access the Filters menu as described above.
The ellipses menu will allow you to do a force refresh which is especially useful for analysing an active campaign. The menu also gives you a full-screen helpful option when viewing a large data set.
In the top half of the Performance Trend section, there are some high-level data sets as well as some helpful information.
The data sets covered in this section are:
- Total Spend - This is the total spend of the selected campaign.
- Impressions - The number of times your advertisement has been viewed, including people who have seen it more than once.
- Clicks - The total number of interactions (measured by clicks) on your advertisement, regardless of how many times someone has seen it.
- ROAS - Return on Ad Spend.
- Revenue - The amount of revenue your campaign has generated.
- Conversion & Conversion Rate - The number of clicks divided by the number of times your ad has been seen.
- Audience Reach - The number of different people exposed, at least once, to an advertisement.
The Revenue, ROAS, and conversion metrics require additional integration with Skyscanner.
Data tables
The Performance Trend's bottom half contains useful data tables for easy analysis.
The first of these is the Impression vs. Clicks. In this table, you can view the trend line of the number of clicks you received compared to the number of times your ad has been seen.
In the same space, there is a Revenue v Conversion table which measures your campaign's revenue and the conversion rate.
Campaign Performance
Daily impressions/Clicks/CTR by campaign
This chart presents a breakdown of impressions at a campaign level. This enables you to get a bird's eye view of how each campaign is performing with respect to impressions, clicks and CTR without drilling down into each of them. You can view the actual volume breakdowns when you hover over each column.
Line Item Performance
Daily impressions/Clicks/CTR by line item
This chart presents a breakdown of impressions/clicks/CTR at the line item level. This enables you to drill deeper into the performance of each line item. You can view the actual volume of breakdowns when you hover over each column. Remember, CTR is your click-through rate and is the number of clicks divided by the number of times an advert was shown. If the chart is too cluttered you can use the ellipses menu to enlarge the graphic to full screen.
Performance Breakdown
The 2nd tab on the Dashboard is the Performance Breakdown tab. This tab provides several insights into your campaign performance. It is split into distinctive sections relating to impressions, Clicks, Tracking dimensions and audience reach. Each section has several easy-to-view charts for further analysis.
Impressions represent the number of times a campaign has been viewed. It is a measure of the depth of views, indicating the total number of views the advertisement has had including users who have encountered it more than once. There is a breakdown by product, by device, by top 10 locals, by top 10 markets and over time.
Clicks represent the total number of clicks on a campaign and indicate the interactions with your campaign regardless of how many times a user has seen it. There is a breakdown by product name, by device, by top 10 markets, by top 10 routes, by top 10 locals and over times.
Tracking Dimensions
Tracking dimensions are defined by a unique mix of market, locale, origin, destination, cabin class, and itinerary type. For instance, "uk/en-gb////" refers to the UK market in English locale, applicable to any route, class, or trip type. You can view tracking dimensions broken down by Conversion and ROAS.
Audience Reach
Audience reach quantifies individuals exposed to any element of a campaign and received at least one impression. It measures the breadth of an audience reached, indicating how many users have encountered the campaign content, regardless of how many times they have seen it. You can view reach broken down by top 10 markets and by product name.
Traveller Insight
This page will help you gain better target audience engagement insights about their location, preferred travel destinations and motivation to travel.
Where are my travellers located?
This chart shows your travellers' location weighted by the number of impressions. The darker countries represent countries with more impressions.
What is their preferred travel destination?
In this chart, we provide a list of preferred travel destinations in Impression order. You will need to scroll down to see the entire list, and it might be easier to view the data with the full-screen option.
What is the motivation to travel?
We capture the traveller's motivation to travel and use our proprietary machine-learning algorithms to mine their search interaction in our marketplace. We map it to various motivation theme tags, presenting the primary motivation of travellers and what they are looking to get from their travel to a destination. Hovering over the columns will give you a breakdown of the traveller's motivations.
Search behaviour
The bottom half of the Traveller Insight page explores the search behaviour patterns of your target audience to understand their preferred provider, advance search window and other travel habits.
How many days ahead do my travellers typically search for flights?
The first chart in this section shows the CTR% (Or Impressions depending on the tab) compared to how many days ahead travellers typically search for flights. Hovering over the columns will show the actual CTR.
What are my travellers preferred provider?
This chart lets you know whether the traveller prefers to book with an airline or a travel agent.
What are the most common traveller types among my travellers?
The final chart on this page breaks down the traveller types. Each group (Single Traveller, Family Traveller or Group Traveller) is displayed as a percentage for each of your campaigns.
Export CSV
The final tab in the Advertising Dashboard is called Export CSV. On this page, you can view and download the Campaign Conversion data. The table gives you information on each campaign, the line item name, the product name, the conversion rate, and the revenue.
There is some really useful information in the Advertising Dashboard to help you make informed decisions about your ad campaigns. With the help of this User Manual, you should be able to navigate around the dashboard, but please do reach out to Skyscanner if you need any further help.
Brand Analytics Dashboard
There are various filters you can use to improve your data parameters. The Filters are placed in the left-hand column. Beside the title of each filter is a tooltip to help you understand what each filters represents.
Time Filter
Perhaps the most important filter is the Time Ranger filter at the top of the Filters section.
This filter allows you to select a specific period to view data within that range. The default No filter shows the campaign performance for the lifetime of a campaign or a selection of campaigns.
Alternatively, in the drop-down field, you can select the following options:
- Last - You can view the last day,week, month, quarter or year.
- Previous - You can view the previous week, month or year.
- Customer - You can choose a specific data range.
- Advanced - You can select a particular time on a specific date as part of your range.
You can also set the appropriate radial button for the last day, week, month, quarter or year.
FiltersFor the remaining filters, here is a brief description of each: CampaignUse this filter for analysing the performance and metrics of specific advertising campaigns. If your organisation has run multiple campaigns, it might not be easy to find the specific campaign you are looking for, and you might be better off using other filters to narrow your search. You can select single or multiple campaigns to analyse using this filter. Line ItemsYou can use this filter to review individual or multiple line items within a campaign to track their effectiveness. For example, you might only want to look at EMEA traffic or perhaps only short-haul travel. ProductThis filter is useful when you want to analyse the performance of a specific campaign product. You can select single or multiple products to explore using this filter. MarketThe Market filter lets you select the market where the ad campaign was active. This allows you to analyse performance in different locations. In addition, you can choose single or multiple markets using this filter. Destination IATAThe destination IATA enables you to select the destination airport by the IATA code. RouteTrack the performance of one (or many) routes. Note - this filter is not available on the performance trend tab.
After selecting your filters, click Apply Filters at the bottom of the screen. |
Performance Trend
The Performance Trend dashboard gives a simple view of your campaign's success. In the top right-hand corner of each data set, you will see a number and a three-dot ellipses menu.
The number will refer to the number of filters you have applied to your analyses. You won't be able to amend the filters here, but you can easily access the Filters menu as described above.
The ellipses menu will allow you to do a force refresh which is especially useful for analysing an active campaign. The menu also gives you a full-screen helpful option when viewing a large data set.
In the top half of the Performance Trend section, there are some high-level data sets as well as some helpful information.
The data sets covered in this section are:
Total Spend - This is the total spend of the selected campaign.
Impressions - The number of times your advertisement has been viewed, including people who have seen it more than once
Audience Reach - The number of different people exposed, at least once, to an advertisement.
Clicks - The total number of interactions (measured by clicks) on your advertisement, regardless of how many times someone has seen it.
Flight searches - searches that take place within 31 days of seeing the campaign, involving flights to the promoted destination.
Flight redirects - the number of times people were redirected to the sponsoring site to the promoted destination within 31 days of seeing it.
The Revenue, ROAS, and conversion metrics require additional integration with Skyscanner.
You can also see the Impression vs. Clicks. chart in the overview section of this dashboard, you can view the trend line of the number of clicks you received compared to the number of times your ad has been seen.
Campaign Performance
Daily impressions / Clicks / CTR by campaign
This chart presents a breakdown of impressions at a campaign level. This enables you to get a bird's eye view of how each campaign is performing with respect to impressions, clicks and CTR without drilling down into each of them. Remember, CTR is your click-through rate and is the number of clicks divided by the number of times an advert was shown. You can view the actual volume breakdowns when you hover over each column.
Line Item Performance
Daily impressions/Clicks/CTR by line item
This chart presents a breakdown of impressions/Clicks/CTR at the line item level. This enables you to drill deeper into the performance of each line item. You can view the actual volume breakdowns when you hover over each column. Remember, CTR is your click-through rate and is the number of clicks divided by the number of times an advert was shown.
Remember, if the chart is too cluttered you can use the ellipses menu to enlarge the graphic to full screen.
Performance Breakdown
The 2nd tab on the Dashboard is the Performance Breakdown. This page provides several insights into your campaign performance. It is split into distinctive sections relating to impressions, Clicks, Tracking dimensions, audience reach, Flight searches and flight redirects. Each section has several easy-to-view charts for further analysis.
Impressions represent the number of times a campaign has been viewed. It is a measure of the depth of views, indicating the total number of views the advertisement has had including users who have encountered it more than once. There is a breakdown by product, by device and by top 10 locals.
Clicks represent the total number of clicks on a campaign and indicate the interactions with your campaign regardless of how many times a user has seen it. There is a breakdown by product name, device, top 10 markets, top 10 routes and top 10 locals.
Audience Reach
Audience reach quantifies individuals who have been exposed to any element of a campaign and received at least one impression. It measures the breath of an audience reached, indicating how many users have encountered the campaign content, regardless of how many times they have seen it. You can view reach broken down by top 10 markets and by-products.
Flight Searches
For an airline, flight searches refer to the total number of searches initiated by users within 31 days of exposure to the campaign. These searches involve flights to the promoted destination and include routes where the airline operates. For a DMO, Flight searches track the total number of searches initiated by users who were exposed to the campaign and subsequently searched for flights to the advertised destination within 31 days of exposure. It reveals the campaign's effectiveness in generating interest and motivating users to actively explore travel options to the promoted destination. You can view flight searches broken down by product and broken down by market.
Flight Redirects
For an airline, flight redirects refer to the total number of times users who were exposed to the campaign were redirected to the sponsoring airline's website for a flight offer to the promoted destination within 31 days of exposure. This metric measures the effectiveness of the campaign in driving user intent and guiding them to the sponsoring airline's platform for further actions, such as exploring flight options or making bookings. For a DMO, flight redirects track the total number of times users who were exposed to the campaign were redirected to an off-site flight offer for the advertised destination within 31 days of exposure. This metric provides valuable insight into the campaign's effectiveness in capturing user attention and successfully directing them to external flight offers to a promoted destination, indicating the level of engagement and potential conversation generated by the campaign. You can view flight redirects broken down by product and by market. Additionally, you can see a breakdown of the value of the redirects, outlining the GMV of redirects, the number of passengers and the GMV per passenger on a per-market basis.
Traveller Insight
This page will help you gain better target audience engagement insights about their location, preferred travel destinations and motivation to travel.
Where are my travellers located?
This chart shows your travellers' location weighted by the number of impressions. The darker countries represent countries with more impressions.
What is their preferred travel destination?
In this chart, we provide a list of preferred travel destinations in Impression order. You will need to scroll down to see the entire list, and it might be easier to view the data with the full-screen option.
What is the motivation to travel?
We capture the traveller's motivation to travel and use our proprietary machine-learning algorithms to mine their search interaction in our marketplace. We map it to various motivation theme tags, presenting the primary motivation of travellers and what they are looking to get from their travel to a destination. Hovering over the columns will give you a breakdown of the traveller's motivations.
Search behaviour
The bottom half of the Traveller Insight page explores the search behaviour patterns of your target audience to understand their preferred provider, advance search window and other travel habits.
How many days ahead do my travellers typically search for flights?
The first chart in this section shows the number of impressions compared to how many days ahead travellers typically search for flights. Hovering over the columns will show the actual CTR.
What is the typical durations of trips for my travellers?
This chart shows the number of impressions of the typical duration of trips for your travellers.
What are my travellers preferred providers?
This chart lets you know whether the traveller prefers to book with an airline or a travel agent.
What are the most common traveller types among my travellers?
The final chart on this page breaks down the traveller types. Each group (Single Traveller, Family Traveller or Group Traveller) is displayed as a percentage for each of your campaigns.
Export CSV
The final tab in the performance analytics Dashboard is called Export CSV. On this page, you can view and download the Campaign Conversion data, This data is available in four formats, an Impressions/clicks format, a total search count format, an audience reach format and a redirects format. The table gives you information on each campaign, the line item name, the product name, the conversion rate, and the revenue.
There is some really useful information in the Brand Dashboard to help you make informed decisions about your ad campaigns. With the help of this User Manual, you should be able to navigate around the dashboard, but please do reach out to Skyscanner if you need any further help.