Being able to understand what travellers see and do across both Skyscanner and your website is advantageous for both parties; by analysing the data produced we can both optimise our offerings to provide a better service for travellers. In Skyscanner we refer to the the ability to understand what travellers see and do on your website as "Downstream Visibility".
The data fields we collect are mainly for the following 2 purposes:
Skyscanner has an existing solution in this area called 'SAT' (Skyscanner Analytics Tag). Due to advances in browser privacy technologies and the ability to provide data to Skyscanner more reliably, this solution is gradually being replaced. If you already use 'SAT' in your website, it will eventually be replaced but please do not make any alterations to your existing 'SAT' integration until instructed by Skyscanner.
How to install DV?
DV supports three integration solutions (S2S/Tag/Pixel),providing a choice of methods with different level of complexity.
A full documentation will be provided at the beginning of work on the integration.