The Routes dashboard presents you with information on how you are performing on a specific route.
This is broken down by the total market clicks on the route, the clicks that you have received, and your click share. It also showcases your click-share trend so that you can monitor your performance over time.
For each market, you can filter your view according to your origin and or destination. You can also order your results according to market clicks or your clicks, enabling you to see the routes where you are over or underperforming and the routes with the most market potential.
With this information on hand, you can highlight and assess opportunities, identify which actions have driven up route performance, and evaluate how these activities can be scaled across other routes to further drive clicks.
On the left-hand side of the screen you will be able to configure filters to customize your dashboards. You can configure them by:
- Time Range
- Last day, week, month, quarter, or year
- Previous calendar week, month, or year
- Custo (from relative or specific dates)
- Advanced (includes the date starting and ending for the analysis)
- Time grain: This is the resolution of the graph
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Quarter
- Year
- Brand: If more than one Brand is associated with your portal, you will be able to select them to build your reports
- Market: List of available markets for your brands (two-letter code)
- Origin (3-letter AIRPORT Code - City codes are not supported)
- Destination(3-letter AIRPORT Code - City codes are not supported)
- Route: Select from all your applicable routes, for open routes your top 20 routes will be available.
- Click type: you can select from
- Ads (Dynamic)
- Ads (Inline)
- Footer
- Other
- Redirects (Priced, Unpriced or Sponsored)
- Cabin Class
- Device (Desktop, Mobile, Other, Tablet)
- Trip Kind
- Multi-city
- One Way
- Return
- Itinerary Type
- Protected Transfer
- Regular
To select a discrete number of elements, please click on the "Inv" button first, then press your selection (i.e. select a discrete number of routes)
Routes: Overview reports
Top Routes Performance
Gain your top routes and market performance insights through your total clicks compared to the overall market, and your share of total redirects, including paid clicks, over the selected performance period. Market Share is calculated based on total airline and OTA clicks.
The reports will include:
- Your top 20 routes
- Top 20 Rotues Market Size
- Top 20 Routes Market Share
- Top 20 Rotes Carrier Breakdown
Routes Performance trend
The trend shows your share of total redirects, including paid clicks, over the selected performance period. The chart will autoselect the appropriate time period based on the viewed analysis and does not interact with the "Time Period" filter. For example, the "WoW" analysis always shows the last full week of data compared to the week before it. The same logic applies for "MoM" and "QoQ".
Routes Market Share
Examine the trend in Click Share for your Top Routes over the chosen time. Additionally, compare the click share performance of these top routes against the total redirect clicks. Your share of total redirects, including paid clicks and the market share % is calculated based on total airline and OTA clicks.
Here you can review:
- Top Routes Market Share % trend: your route share trending over time
- Your Top Route Clicks Trend: to determine the number of clicks you get on your top routes over time
When can I expect yesterday's data to be available?
The data for the previous day will be available the following day after 12:00:00 UTC.
Submitting feedback
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Help us improve by providing your valuable feedback through the "?" icon on the right-hand side of the Menu bar. Your insights are invaluable to us and contribute to shaping the future of our products.