We understand the importance of accurate and up-to-date property images. While we cannot directly accept new image uploads as we are consuming the information provided by our providers, we can work with you to ensure your property is represented accurately on Skyscanner by removing an image. If you believe your images are outdated and need to be removed, please follow the provided guide to extract the necessary data. A member of our Partner Service Team will provide you with an Excel file to share the information.
Step 1. Go into the gallery view of the property.
*press one of the images at the top will lead you to the gallery view.
Gallery View (below)
**Please do not click the image.
Step 2. Right click on the desired image and click Copy Image Address
Step 3. Paste the url in the excel sheet provided by the Skyscanner Partner Services Team.
Step 4. Then copy and paste the batch image id and also attach the excel file and share it with the Skyscanner Partner Services Team.
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Partner Services Team.