Convenience fees
In order for Skyscanner to provide a high quality experience for our users, we only show the final price on our results pages. We take this very seriously and thus we have implemented our partner and payment policies.
Our payment policies state that all prices sent to Skyscanner must match the final price on the partner's page with the corresponding market majority payment options. More information regarding our payment policy is available here.
In order to present the final price accurately, we must take into account all taxes, fees and charges when calculating the final price. We rely on our partners to provide all these charges on their API response.
We may show cached results as a way to maximize the speed at which we display search results while reducing the stress on our partners' systems against compromising the accuracy of the displayed results We can adjust cache settings at the partner and market level.
We will use the price returned for the most recent API request performed for a partner in a specific market for a specific route. Enabling the cache allows us to use recent price/availability results for a partner without performing the same search multiple times. Our system will detect if a price is out of date or if it a time threshold has been reached for a specific partner in a market for a specific route. In that case, we will perform a new search and update the price/availability based on the new search result.