In order for Skyscanner to provide a high-quality experience for our users, we only show the final price on our results pages. This means that the price returned in the API (and shown to our users on Skyscanner) must match the price at checkout.
Please note that price accuracy is paramount at Skyscanner and inaccurate prices could lead to a suspension of the integration to avoid user dissatisfaction.
Pricing Policy
The price we show on our site is the final price a user pays on a third-party website, including all mandatory taxes and fees. This includes credit card/payment fees but excludes extras like optional insurance or luggage fees. Credit Card/Payment fees must follow the Skyscanner Payment Policy which varies per market. Details on our policies can be found at Skyscanner Payment Policy
Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges
In order to present the final price accurately, we must take into account all taxes and fees when calculating the final price. If your API or price source does not contain all taxes and fees to calculate the final price, we will not be able to integrate you on the site.
Prices for children and infants
The API provided to Skyscanner should return the final price for all passengers, either as a total number or as a breakdown per passenger type. Where a total price is not available in the API response, it can be calculated using individual prices per passenger.