Why doesn't Skyscanner use staging environments during integration?
To enable integration swiftly and as reliably as possible we only test in the production environment. This makes the integration process leaner thus resulting in faster turnaround times. Unless we can get access and use the production environment, we cannot start the actual engineering work.
Does Skyscanner support progressive/polling API?
Unfortunately, at the moment, we cannot make use of a polling API in this way. However, if your API is very slow to respond (longer than 30 seconds), it would be better if we got some of the results, and stopped polling after 30 seconds, instead of doing a single request and timing out, which would mean we get no results.
Does Skyscanner handle route operation seasonality?
No, due to our system limitations, all availability/operation schedule info about one direction will be merged into a single line and we are able to manage only months of the year.
Can the deeplink point to a domain page which includes Skyscanner as part of the domain name?
No. This is against our terms and conditions. https://www.skyscanner.net/media/pteterms
It is acceptable to have Skyscanner mentioned within the path (e.g. /Skyscanner) but it should not be included within the domain name as stated above. Sky is acceptable but not Skyscanner in full.
Can ICAO be used instead of IATA codes?
IATA codes are preferred and required in most cases.
Can separate API/credentials be used for mobile integration?
We do not use separate APIs or API credentials for mobile and desktop users to ensure that prices will always be identical on all platforms on Skyscanner. We can still implement mobile deeplinks if they require a different URL format. An option would be the inclusion of two deeplinks into the API response, and we select the correct one at the time of redirect. Alternatively, if deeplinks are very similar (for example, a specific subdomain with everything else being equal), we can do a string replace to ensure mobile-friendly layouts. We can also always redirect to the same URL, if the webpage is responsive. In all cases, we can add mobile-specific tracking parameters.
Can affiliate tracking (e.g.: utm) dynamically pass inbound and outbound airports?
Yes. We need to know whether airport or city codes should be passed.
Can Skyscanner redirect to partner's websites where login is required by the traveler?
Before proceeding with implementation, we request the removal of any additional steps that are not user-first, such as the requirement to set up a login or share personal information in order to view or book the deal. The final price of the booking, complete with all taxes and fees, must be visible to the user before login, if login is required.
Does Skyscanner test several flight routes and airlines or would a given test route be sufficient?
Our tests try to be as realistic as possible, so a single test route would be insufficient.
Does Skyscanner generate bookings during testing?
No. We only test that we are given the correct information (e.g., price, origin/destination, airline, dates) and that we refer to the booking site.
Which tests do Skyscanner perform exactly? Why do we need to add Skyscanner IP addresses to an allowlist during testing?
We do not conduct any load or stress testing. Instead, we validate itineraries individually via API in order to confirm correct information and price accuracy.
Is an API schema required for implementation?
It is not a requirement, however providing a complete API schema may help us go live faster with a higher quality integration, as it lowers the likelihood of mishandling errors and cuts down on debugging time.