Market Trends
This module shows the year over year flight search and redirects trends. These are based on selected search and travel periods. The table displays the overall click-through rate.
Using the filters
There are multiple ways to search, select and deselect markets:
Routes filter
Easily select routes based on origin, destination and directionality.
By default, modules render data for all routes based on the subscription set up for Non-Directional routes.
There are multiple ways to search, select, and deselect origins and destinations:
- Enter an origin or destination into the text field. This can be a city or airport name or IATA code.
- Search for a country by clicking the country radio button and entering the country name into the text field.
- You can also find a country by using the dropdown country list.
- Clear selections by clicking on the individual route indicator which appears when you've selected an origin or destination or by clicking the Clear all button.
- NOTE: Selections are limited to 5 origins and 5 destinations.
- Once origins and destinations are selected, the Routes section on the right of the filter will summarise your choices and display all possible combinations.
Directionality allows you to analyse data between directional and non-directional routes. By default, the module shows the analysis for non-directionality.
Select directionality by clicking the directionality tab or 'change' link in the routes section of the filter, then switch between the two options.
Your choice of directionality will then be applied to all of your route selections.
What is Non-Directional and Directional-based volume?
Non-directional air traffic is when we calculate traveller demand in two streams that flow in opposite directions. For example, if a traveller searches for a return flight from Valencia to Edinburgh, they’re counted once from Valencia to Edinburgh and once from Edinburgh to Valencia. Here, the passenger count is based on departure and arrival.
Directional air traffic is when we calculate traveller demand that flows in one direction. For example, if a traveller searches for a return flight from Valencia to Edinburgh, they are counted once from Valencia to Edinburgh.
Non-Directional and Directional volumes help calculate trends more precisely, providing a clearer picture of what’s happening and where.
The directionality of the route is also represented by the double and single arrow representation in the right-hand side of the Routes filter.
Travel Period
The period when the travellers trip takes place.
- Historical and future travel months, that were searched by travellers on Skyscanner will appear in the filter (including the current month).
- Historical travel months are included from 2019 onwards.
- The Travel Period start period will always be the same as the Search Period start period because a trip can't take place before it was searched.
- Select one or multiple search months from the list by clicking the month buttons, these will appear dark blue once selected.
- Only continuous month selection is allowed. For example: if you click on Jan and June month buttons, Feb, Mar, Apr, and May will be auto-selected to show trends for those months.
- A single month selection e.g. May 2020 will display in the Travel Month filter button as May 2020. If 2 months are selected then it will appear as Months(2).
- All months can be selected by clicking the Select all button and all months are cleared by clicking the Clear button.
- A handy indicator at the top of the filter displays a summary of your selection period, e.g. Jan 2019 - Jun 2019.
Search periodThe period when a traveller's search takes place.
Trip kind
Comparison YearChange historical year to compare to current period or year
Trip length
Travel type
Key Metrics
- Total Number of Searches for the selected travel month and is updated on a daily basis.
- Vs Historical Period: Percentage change in total searches for the selected travel month compared to historical months. Displays as an increase or decrease and is represented by an up or down arrow and colour. Red symbolises a decrease and green, an increase.
- Total Number of Redirects for the selected travel month and is updated daily.
- Vs Historical Period: percentage change in total searches for the selected travel month compared to historical months. Displays as an increase or decrease and is represented by an up or down arrow and colour. Red symbolises a decrease and green, an increase.
Search and Redirect Trends
- Both Search and Redirect trend graphs show Year Over Year search and redirect trends for the calendar search period, 1 Jan to 31 Dec for the selected markets, and other filters.
- When hovering over any search or redirect date, the annotation shows the search and redirect clicks for the current period and historical period. It also displays the YoY change percentage.
Total Searches and Redirects by Search Period
- The table displays the following column data variables for the selected filter in the module:
- Month/Year: search period selected in the Search month filter.
- Total Searches: displays the total number of searches.
- Searches Trend YoY: displays the percentage change in the total number of searches based on the selected comparison year. The default comparison year is 2020.
- Total Redirects: the total number of redirects.
- Redirects Trend YoY: displays the percentage change in the total number of redirects based on the selected comparison year. The default comparison year is 2020.
- Redirects to Searches%: the search to redirect ratio or in other words click-through rate.
Market Trends modules can be exported in .xls format. Both graph and table data appears in a separate sheet. |