The Passenger Leakage tab within the Catchment Analysis module allows you to determine leakage from your home airport based on redirect volumes from your selected traveller location(s). You can optimise your network based on the routes your catchment's travellers can about or identify which competing airports travellers are thinking of flying from. This module enables you to look beyond the point of sale to the point of search.
Using the Filters
Use as many filters as you need to find the data you are looking for,
Note - some filters will be unavailable (i.e. airport) until entering data into other filters.
Home Airport Filter
With the Home Airport Filter, you can select your home airport to compare against competitor airports' leakage.
After clicking the Passenger Leakage tab, you will be prompted to select a home airport. You can enter the airport by name or by the IATA code. Remember that the airport you choose is the airport you want to reference the Passenger Leakage from. For example, if you decide on Edinburgh Airport, you can view Passenger Leakage based on redirect volumes from your selected traveller location(s).
Enter the Airport name in the field below and click close.
Traveller Location Filter
You can select a country, city or district to include Travellers based in these locations.
- Enter a country, city or district into the search field.
- Click the place name from the list to add it to the locations section.
- Clear selections by clicking on the x within the individual place name or the Clear all button.
Routes Filter
For analysing Passenger Leakage, you should only enter a destination. This is because you have already selected a Home Airport.
There are multiple ways to search, select, and deselect destinations:
- First, enter a destination into the text field. This can be a city or airport name or IATA code.
- Search for a country by clicking the country radio button and entering the country name into the text field.
- You can also find a country by using the drop-down country list.
- Clear selections by clicking on the individual route indicator, which appears when you've selected a destination or by clicking the Clear all button.
- NOTE: Selections are limited to five destinations.
- Once destinations are selected, the Routes section on the right of the filter will summarise your choices and display all possible combinations.
Travel Period Filter
- You can select the month or months when the traveller's trip takes place.
- 36 past and 12 future travel months searched by travellers on Skyscanner will appear in the filter (including the current month).
- Historical travel months are included from 2019 onwards.
- The Travel Period start period will always be the same as the Search Period start period because a trip can't occur before it was searched.
- Select one or multiple search months from the list by clicking the month buttons; these will appear dark blue once selected.
- Only continuous month selection is allowed. For example: if you click on January and June month buttons, February, March, April, and May will be auto-selected to show trends for those months.
- A single month selection, e.g. May 2020, will display in the Travel Month filter button as May 2020. If two months are selected, it will appear as Months(2).
- All months can be selected by clicking the Select all button, and all months are cleared by clicking the Clear button.
- A handy indicator at the top of the filter displays a summary of your selection period, e.g. January 2019 - June 2019.
Search Period FilterYou can select the month or months when the traveller's search occurred.
Markets FilterYou can select the markets representing countries selected by travellers on Skyscanner when they carry out their searches. |
By default, all markets are selected. However, the filter may restrict the number of markets shown based on a partner's subscription setup. The total market count will appear in the drop-down. Markets are displayed by Region > Country. There are multiple ways to search, select and deselect markets:
Cabin Class Filter
Stops Filter
Day of Week Filter
Trip Kind Filter
Trip Length Filter
Travel type Filter
The top graph is Passenger Leakage month over month from your home airport based on redirect volumes from your selected traveller locations(s). You can determine leakage from your home airport to the Top 5 airports and others based on redirect volumes from your selected traveller location(s).
In the example below, I want to look at Passenger Leakage from Edinburgh Airport going to any Spanish airport for Travellers based in Edinburgh.
If we look at August 2022 specifically, you can observe at a glance that more Edinburgh-based Travellers are travelling from other UK airports than Edinburgh Airport.
By hovering over any of the columns, you will read a breakdown of the data.
Using the same example, in August 2022, 8,599 Edinburgh-based redirects were for Edinburgh Airport, and 13,953 redirects were for other airports; therefore, there was 62% Passenger Leakage from Edinburgh Airport on routes travelling to Spain.
Leakage Insights Based on Routes
You can also determine leakage on specific routes based on monthly or daily volume of redirects and average fares. This table allows you to determine what competing airports travellers choose to fly out from based on decision factors such as the day of the week and average fare per passenger.
Using the same example of leakage from Edinburgh Airport for Edinburgh-based travel to Spain.
The Passenger Leakage table is in the Total Leakage percentage order.
The headings in the table have the following explanations:
- Origin airport - The airport the traveller is flying from.
- Destination airport - The airport the traveller is flying to.
- Redirects (home) - The Total redirect volume from the Home Airport to the Destination Airport by the route.
- Redirects (competitor) - The Total redirect volume from the competitor Origin Airport to the Destination Airport.
- Redirects difference % - The Total variance between the Home Airport and competing airport redirects volume.
- Total leakage % - The percentage of travellers who chose to redirect to origin competitor airports compared to the home airport.
- Avg. fare p.p (home) - The average fare per passenger at which travellers redirected for their home airport.
- Avg. fare p.p (competitor) - The average fare per passenger at which travellers are redirected from the competitor airport.
- Avg. fare difference % - The average fare variance between the home airport and competing airport redirect volume.
- Day of week - Select the view icon to get a day of week trend for the selected travel month and route. You can view by graph and table view.
Export Feature
An Export feature at the top right of the page allows you to export all the data into an Excel file.